Friday, March 11, 2016

Great Dance in March! See you April 2nd!

We had over 70 people in March.  Hope to see everyone out again for our next swing dance April 2nd!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Swing Dance This Saturday!!!!

It's the First Saturday of the Month Big Band Dance this weekend!
We get to dance to the Jazz House Big Band two weekends in a row.
In Idaho Falls we are fortunate enough to have access to this wonderful 16 piece big band directed by Doug Wareing.
Event details are to the left of this post.

The Skyline High School Fundraiser was a great time last weekend.  Erin and Rick taught the basic lesson and had a packed class!

Thank you to Bob Dunmire and Skyline High School for having us teach.  We look forward to this event every year!