Friday, October 23, 2015

New Venue, New Times for our dance Saturday, November 7th

Thank you everyone for coming out last month, we had over 60 people!  Our dance is still trying to secure a permanent venue and unfortunately we've had to move again this month.  Thank you for hanging in there with us.
***please take note of the time change due to accommodating this new venue***

This dance is our one year Anniversary !!!
On Saturday, November 7th we will have the Jazz House Big Band playing for us.

Location: EITC Campus, The John O. Sessions Mechanical Building (behind Toys R' Us)
                Downstairs, Room 20
Time: Intermediate Lesson 6-7pm ( we recommend taking our basic lesson a few times first)  Introductory Lesson 7-8pm, Dance 8-10pm
Cost: $7 lesson and the dance, $5 dance portion only